Featured Rescue

Raisl Family

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The farm of Bill and Chris Raisl is a father and son operation that has been in the family for four generations. Like many farmers, the Raisls have dealt with their share of ups and downs, but 2023 presented a much more serious challenge when Bill was diagnosed with colon cancer. His battle began with six chemotherapy treatments that spanned twelve weeks, followed by several rounds of radiation and additional chemotherapy. In the midst of this treatment regimen, Chris and Bill were preparing for the fast-approaching harvest. Shortly after submitting an application to Farm Rescue, volunteers and equipment arrived at the Raisl farm to help bring in the family’s field pea crop. We were privileged to lend a hand and provide Bill an opportunity for rest and recovery as he continued his battle with cancer.

(Music from #Uppbeat (free for Creators!): https://uppbeat.io/t/brock-hewitt-sto… License code: RBVEBOQSOKSFB69I)